Dare to be the change you want to see in the world. Dare to be a champion for the vulnerable, the underserved individuals in your community. Dare to recognize that you deserve love and support when you struggle. Dare to be the beautiful authentic you.
The theme of this year’s fundraiser is “Dare to Be.” We chose this theme to honor the bravery, creativity, and determination it will take to confront the challenges facing our city and our world. “Dare to be” can mean so many things, big and small. It can mean showing up to our first self-defense or martial arts class alone, not knowing what to expect. Or simply getting up and putting one foot in front of the other on a day we’d rather stay in bed with the blankets pulled over our heads. Any time we choose courage over comfort, live wholeheartedly, and engage actively in our own lives and our community, we are daring to be.
At Tuff Love, daring to be is at the core of our history and our mission. We founded Tuff Love as a nonprofit in 2020 and took over Four Elements Fitness gym in 2021, after years of teaching self-defense, martial arts, and fitness. Establishing two new business ventures requiring close physical contact during a global pandemic was risky to say the least, and we often asked ourselves if we were making the right decision. However, we also knew we had something special: our beautiful gym, our amazing students, and our wide network of cheerleaders and supporters. With all of you in mind, we knew we had no choice but to press forward, face our fears, and dare to share our skills and message with our community and the world.
We are holding our year-end fundraising drive from November 27-December 31, 2023. As a nonprofit organization, we rely on donors to help us continue to provide community programs to your underserved communities, particularly low-income and marginalized youth, women, people of color, LGBTQ+ folks, and survivors of abuse and assault. Your tax-deductible donation helps individuals access free and low-cost self-defense, martial arts, and fitness programs and supports health and safety in our communities. Invest in your neighbors and support our cause!
How To Take Action:
1) DONATE: Your donation is 100% secure and tax-deductible. Ongoing monthly donations are the most helpful for allowing us to continue our mission. Any amount is appreciated! To donate, go to
2) “DARE TO BE” CHALLENGE: Celebrate bravery and resilience with us by sharing a picture or short video (one minute or less) on Instagram or Facebook of someone who you think is brave and explain why. The person could be someone you know in real life, a historical figure, a fictional character, or even yourself! Then tag three friends and challenge them to do the same! Tag us @tuffloveselfdefense and @fourelementsfitness with the hashtags #daretobe and #tufflove.
3) SPREAD THE WORD: Your vote of confidence goes a long way in encouraging donations! Share our fundraiser efforts on your social media platforms and among your circles of friends and family. Tag us @tuffloveselfdefense and @fourelementsfitness with the hashtags #daretobe and #tufflove.
4.CREATE YOUR OWN FUNDRAISER: create your own fundraiser in behalf of Tuff Love on Instagram & Facebook
4.CORPORATE GIFT MATCHING: If your company financially matches donations that their employees make to nonprofit organizations, this is a great way to double your donation.
4) FOLLOW US: Tuff Love Self-Defense and Four Elements Fitness.