We Stand Against Racism and Violence
We stand with unwavering commitment against racism and violence toward Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities, which has surged during the Covid-19 pandemic. We will fight to overcome hate, violence, and bigotry to make sure that we as well as our most vulnerable community members are safe. We know that by rising up together, we will win against hatred and violence.
Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a sharp rise in hate crimes against AAPI people. The Public Policy Institute of California notes that reported anti-Asian hate crimes more than tripled during the most recent data collection period of 2019-2022. In the Bay Area, AAPI elders have faced ongoing targeted attacks and robberies, such as the recent case of nearly 30 Asian elders from an Oakland senior living facility being robbed in just one week. Hate crimes against AAPI people are part of a larger trend of increased hate crimes against people of color since 2019. Many people are scared to leave their homes and complete their regular tasks due to these assaults.
Positive Methods to Change Fear into Empowerment
We affirmatively challenge victim-blaming, including the ways we blame ourselves. Perpetrators of violence hold sole responsibility for the decision to assault someone. However, individuals who fear targeted violence can take effective steps to increase their own safety, including our self-defense training. Learning what our minds, voices, and bodies could do, realizing that we are worth defending, and giving ourselves permission to stay safe emotionally and physically is a powerful and transformative experience.
Since our founding in 2019, Tuff Love has offered safety and self-defense workshops specifically for women and people of color. In 2021, we responded to the rise in anti-AAPI violence by hosting multiple workshops specifically for AAPI people. Partnering with organizations including Compassion in Oakland, Protect Oakland Chinatown, and Through Peace, we have continued to offer self-defense and safety training to AAPI people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds in order to make our community a more safe and empowered place to live and thrive. ​​
Help Stop Hate Against the Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders Communities
Ways you can help curb hate against AAPI communities.
1.SPEAK UP about the increased hatred, violence, and bullying toward AAPI.
2.REPORT instances of anti-Asian attacks at StopAAPIhate.org.
3.ADVOCATE for AAPI and Black solidarity. The more we stand together, the more effective our efforts against racism and white supremacy.
4.DONATE to victim GoFundMes and organizations that work on community safety for AAPI, often in solidarity with other minority groups.
Bystander Intervention
How to intervene when you see disrespect or harassment happening. Guidelines courtesy of Right To Be.
1.DISTRACT by pretending to be friends, ask for the time or make commotion, be creative.
2.DELEGATE by finding someone else better equipped to deal with it and ask them to intervene.
3.DOCUMENT using a phone to video record or write down the harassment and give it to the person who was harassed.
4.DELAY consists of comforting the harassed person after, acknowledging the behavior was wrong, be a friend.
5.DIRECT by setting a boundary directly. Avoid getting into a back and forth or escalate the situation.